Saturday 9 June 2012

My greatest fear is fear itself (My Zombie Plan)

Alright so this blog will be slightly more personal one. I was going to write it last night but I realized I would just scare myself to death if I did since I was home alone. So I decided to wait for some daylight.
If you haven't already guessed (such an obvious thing anyway) what I'm going to write about is Zombies - my number two fear! My ultimate fear is the Grudge girl and I would put a picture of her here but I can't since she is my number one fear in the whole wide world. I would also Google the movie title and the year but I am afraid that a picture of her will pop up on Google. Zombies come in a good second place and third snakes and so on. Weirdly enough robbers, murderers and such are not even on the list. I am only scared of supernatural things (and snakes -but I think that's justified since Indiana Jones is also scared of snakes).

The only two zombie films I've ever seen are 28 Weeks Later (2007) and Zombieland (2009). I would count in Resident Evil (2002) as well even though I am aware that it is not a zombie movie. The zombies in it scared the hell out of me though. I wasn't actually scared of watching 28 Weeks Later but my imagination got me scared later on. It is not that I would be terrified watching it but what my mind starts to create when it's dark and I'm alone. My fear of zombies is the actual fear of being afraid if that makes sense. The fear of having to run and hide and the fact that they are not humans and you cannot reason with them. In my mind they are incredibly strong and can run through doors and that is why I sometimes stay awake at night listening to the pace of footsteps outside (I've been told that zombies always run).

This one time I came home from Italy and my flat mate wasn't there (which I knew already beforehand) but I had started to imagine things already on my way from Heathrow Airport because it was so dark outside. When I got home I made the mistake of going upstairs into my room without checking the house. The rest of the night I stayed awake fearing that my flat mate didn't actually ever leave but would lie on the kitchen floor and slowly turn into a zombie. Imagining that I got so scared of it I couldn't go and check so I decided to stay awake the whole night sitting on my bed. By the way just so you know she wasn't in the house and hadn't turned into a zombie I found out later.

My problem with a Zombie Apocalypse would be the fact that you are expecting a zombie to burst in any second. It's not the fighting with them it's the living in fear to be found. This is why my zombie plan is tuttuduuu tu tuddutuuu : to kill myself. Yes, yes I know it's an amazing plan because then I don't have to be scared. My friends always tease me that they will dress up as zombies and scare me but they are worried that I would actually kill myself before they get the chance to tell me they were just joking.

To be honest my ultimate plan would be this: But the problem with it is that how likely is it that I will actually have that house. If I had it though, people said that what if WHAT IF zombies still would get in. I would be stuck with them. Well I would build an underground tunnel for escape with a Jeep waiting for me there. I know, your next question is: what if zombies come through the tunnel then. They won't. I would have the tunnel built that if you try to access it from outside it will have these metal walls (like in Titanic) that come down. With sensor detectors obviously.

But obviously the Zombie Apocalypse isn't very likely. Or is it? Have you seen the news lately?? (Cannibal Attack (Miami Zombie), TheYoungTurks, 29.05.2012) and (Man Eats Roommate's Brain, Heart ('Zombie' Attack), TheYoungTurks, 1.06.2012).

Just one last thing guys. Don't take bath salts because they seem to turn you into a zombie!

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