Monday 11 February 2013

You Cannot Afford Louboutins - Blame Your Period

I knew that women spend a lot of money on tampons etc. But £1,368 on average per woman!! And you just can't do anything about it. As Cosmopolitan points out that is FOUR pairs of Louboutins, and I know that I would pick the shoes anytime if I had the choice as I think many women would. And that is exactly my point. Choice.

Women don't have a choice not to buy tampons. There is no sensible way to work around it. And anyone who thinks about suggesting wearing a towel that you can wash and wear again has never had a period and thus is not allowed an opinion.

Okay, so we don't have a choice really whether or not to bleed every month but I think we should have a choice not to spend that amount of our money. The fact is ALL women have (I was very tempted to write 'suffer from') periods, so it's not like it is a random group of people. I propose that tampons, pads etc should be free for women. Why is it not? The Pill is (which I am all for!) and you can get condoms for free as well and they are not necessary as you do not NEED to have sex.

It is very unlikely for someone to get tampons and use them for any other purpose. Maybe we should add that into the taxes so women wouldn't only have to suffer from bleeding every single month (men I know you think women only bleed for 10 minutes a day but the fact is it is nearly constant non-stop bleeding) but also have to give up on buying amazing shoes because of this or food for that matter. At least we could buy one pair not even four if government chipped in on this. Actually not chipping in is gender inequality. From my taxes I help to pay fat peoples hospital care and they are fat by choice.

Trust us it was not our choice to bleed.