Saturday 19 May 2012

Matching underwear

My dear friend Krazy Krystal (with all love <3 ) wanted me to start a blog about all the things I say and think. This was a very drunken conversation so I am not sure she actually meant it but here we go anyway. 'No bullshit opinions' like she puts it.
This blog is about my opinions on all the very very serious stuff that is going on in the world like politics, equality, human rights, women not wearing bras or refusing to shave, waxing and sometimes even about relationships between humans.
I am a foreigner and there will be mistakes in the grammar so if that bothers you don't read this blog. If you don't like opinions don't read this blog either. The rest of you are welcome to proceed. My first blog will be a groundbreaking one about women's underwear.

I love nice underwear. Underwear is probably my favourite piece of clothing and I always do my best to wear nice bra and panties just in case I am in a bank and a robber comes in all armed and tells everyone to pull their pants down. I mean you don't want to be caught in ugly grandma underwear do you?
I always thought that it would have been enough for a girl to have pretty underwear but then I got asked by a man why doesn't my underwear match! I admit I might have gotten a bit angry and slightly offended by this comment.
Men seem to think (and trust me I have been asked this by more than one man) that women buy and wear always a matching set of underwear. They obviously have not checked the price tags for bras in a while or ever. For those who do not know bras can cost from a decent £10 to oh well a lot of money! If I bought a new bra every time I bought panties imagine how many bras a girl should own. I don't know about the rest of you but I wear a clean pair of panties everyday so approximately 7+ panties a week, then I don't do my washing too regularly so there is need for some extra ones for the next week. Or what if I am going on a holiday for 2-3 weeks that would be already over 20 pairs of panties I need to own. So if I owned as many matching bras as I have panties in this economic climate I would be bankrupt. So the closest thing I do to try my best to make not-matching bras and panties to match is to try and wear panties that have same colour on them as the bra. The best I can do with my budget.
And then the revelation, the same men that ask me why my bra and panties do not match don't notice when they do because they are so eager to get them off me. How can a girl win in this situation?
I told them if they want matching ones they will have to pay for them.

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